3-day basic SCAN-course: 26-28 November 20192-day advanced course: 2-3 December 2019
The Centre for Policing and Security organises a 3-day basic SCAN course (Scientific Content Analysis) from November 26th till November 28th 2019 in Asse (Belgium, near Brussels).
The 2-day advanced course (for those students who already followed the basic course) on December 2nd and 3rd 2019 for those students who already followed the basic course. It is possible to follow both courses successively in 2019.
The SCAN technique was developed by Mr. Avinoam Sapir, a polygraph examiner, with a background in the Israeli Police Department in Jerusalem. Mr. Sapir holds a Bachelors Degree in both Psychology and Criminology, and a Masters Degree in Criminology. He developed the SCAN technique by conducting extensive research into verbal communication, looking into the linguistic behavior used by people in communication.
PIVO – Provinciaal Instituut voor Vorming en Opleiding
Poverstraat 75 – 1731 Asse
SCAN is an effictive technique that will help the interviewer to obtain information and detect deception.
SCAN will help the interviewer to find out:
– whether the subject is truthful or deceptive
– what information the subject is concealing
– whether or not the subject was involved in the crime.
This course presents the theory and concepts of the SCAN technique. The students learn the basic rules of SCAN, and the ways that various linguistic signals are observed in statements.
Each student receives a 230-page workbook, plus an additional take-home CD-ROM of SCAN information and case studies (consisting of the LSI SCAN Newsletter Anthology, the VIEW Guidebook, and the SCAN Workshop Guidebook, previously sold separately).
This two-day workshop (open only to students who have attended the Basic Course on SCAN) provides the student with practical experience in applying the SCAN technique to various types of cases. The workshop emphasizes the most relevant points to analyze in each type of case.
Anyone who needs to obtain information from interviews or investigations.
The SCAN technique is now being used by federal, law enforcement, and military agencies throughout the U.S., Canada and Australia; by bank and insurance investigators; by private industry; and by social service professionals, including rights officers and child protective service caseworkers.
The SCAN course will be of value to all individuals who deal with information, oral or written. The course will enable the participant to effectively obtain and evaluate information.
Professions which can benefit tremendously from this course include: interviewers, intelligence officers, investigators, personnel managers, social workers, psychologists, and executives.
SCAN is also being used in many other countries, including the U.K., Belgium, the Netherlands, Israel, Mexico, and South Africa.
Centre for Policing and Security VZW, Nathalie Roegiers, Pacificatielaan 27, 9000 Gent (Belgium), tel. +32 476 20 29 40sec@policingandsecurity.be Bank Account: IBAN: BE09 0012 0873 2457, BIC: GEBABEBB
+32 (0)476 20 29 40
Driekoningenplein 20
B-9820 Merelbeke
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